Tuesday, November 30, 2010

More Weight Loss!

Before Thanksgiving I dropped another 2 pounds.  Over Thanksgiving, I am thankful to say that by being very careful I maintained the weight loss.  I ate what I wanted on Thanksgiving and afterward, but I was careful to be sure that I didn't go overboard. 

On Thanksgiving day, we ate at noon.  I ate some of everything and I was almost too full but I didn't want to eat any more the rest of the day.  By eating early in the day and not eating any more later, I didn't gain any weight.  If I had gained weight, I would have cut back on the days after Thanksgiving and thereby still maintained my weight.

Just remember, be aware of what you put on your plate, don't overdo. If you do eat too much cut back and you can get back to where you were. Please know that you can enjoy foods you like while you are losing weight. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Weight Loss -- Staying Motivated!

I started losing weight about three months ago and have been doing well, except staying motivated is becoming a problem.  So in order to stay motivated, I have to remember my ideal in the first place.  I have to concentrate on the fact that I want to be healthier, to look and feel better.  Plus I want to feel good about myself and realize that if I stick with it I can be successful.

If I only had a few pounds to lose, I don't think being motivated would bother me too much, but having to lose 30 or 40 more pounds tends to "weigh heavily" on my mind.

The other problem is the holidays are fast approaching.  Thanksgiving is next week and then I start baking all the Christmas goodies.  I am going to have to be good and not overeat.  There are going to be a lot of fabulous meals in the next few weeks so I have to be sure I don't take too much on my plate, just a spoonful of each thing, maybe even less.  I need to be sure to concentrate on eating slowly, savor each bite, enjoy it and stop when I am full.  Now if I were to count calories, I would have to be sure to keep tract of my intake.

I can have dessert if I behave myself.  Not too much, but at least a little.  You and I can do this, let's keep at it and stay motivated.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Allergies and Weight Loss!

There are many of us who suffer from allergies.  However, I have heard that when we maintain a healthy eating plan and lose weight that many if not all of our allergies disappear.  Now that would really  be nice.

Stick with it!  Don't lose heart!  Keep trying!  It may take a while, but weight loss will happen!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Be In Control!

Be in control of the food you eat, don't let the food control you. If there is some food you see that you  want to eat just because it tastes good, STOP! Don't give in to it.  Put the food away, get it out of your sight, walk into another room, do whatever it takes to keep from eating it.

I have had times when I was drawn to food just because it was there and just because I knew it would taste good.  I felt like it would make me feel better, but actually it doesn't always do that.  Most of the time what happens is that I would overeat and then feel bad and feel that I was a failure.  Take control of your cravings and your body. 

I have said before that we are to listen to our bodies and pay attention to cravings.  Learn what is a true craving and what is not.  Eat what you crave but just enough to satisfy, don't go overboard with it.  My husband at times will eat food that is left because he doesn't want to waste it.  If it is enough to save, put it in the freezer or refrigerator.  If it isn't enough to save, it is better in the garbage or in the compost pile than in our stomachs making us fat.

We need to be in control of what we eat.  We can accomplish this a little at a time.  Other people do it and so can we.  Hang in there, I know another pound is being lost for you and for me.