Thursday, December 30, 2010

Happy New Year!

Forgive me, I took the month of December off, but it's back to work next week.  In the meantime, I hope all of you have a very, happy, blessed and prosperous New Year!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Eat Breakfast Like a King!

Let's Eat Right To Keep Fit is a book written by Adelle Davis an American author and a pioneer in the fledgling field of nutrition during the mid-20th century according to Wikipedia.  Actually she wrote several books.  She had many good things to say about nutrition, mainly criticizing food additives and supporting whole unprocessed foods. 

I'm not selling books by Adelle Davis nor am I recommending them, but I have read some of her books and the thing that has stuck with me is one of her quotes:

"Eat breakfast like a king,
lunch like a prince,
and dinner like a pauper."

That is what my husband and I try to do.  We eat a good breakfast and it helps us to keep from being too hungry during the day.  Sometimes we only eat one other meal and if we do eat two more meals, we don't eat very much at dinner and we try to eat early in the evening.

The main thing is find out what meal plan works best for you so that you can lose weight easily.  Weight loss is possible, it can be done, it takes planning and work to achieve your goal, but it is well worth the effort. 

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

More Weight Loss!

Before Thanksgiving I dropped another 2 pounds.  Over Thanksgiving, I am thankful to say that by being very careful I maintained the weight loss.  I ate what I wanted on Thanksgiving and afterward, but I was careful to be sure that I didn't go overboard. 

On Thanksgiving day, we ate at noon.  I ate some of everything and I was almost too full but I didn't want to eat any more the rest of the day.  By eating early in the day and not eating any more later, I didn't gain any weight.  If I had gained weight, I would have cut back on the days after Thanksgiving and thereby still maintained my weight.

Just remember, be aware of what you put on your plate, don't overdo. If you do eat too much cut back and you can get back to where you were. Please know that you can enjoy foods you like while you are losing weight. 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Weight Loss -- Staying Motivated!

I started losing weight about three months ago and have been doing well, except staying motivated is becoming a problem.  So in order to stay motivated, I have to remember my ideal in the first place.  I have to concentrate on the fact that I want to be healthier, to look and feel better.  Plus I want to feel good about myself and realize that if I stick with it I can be successful.

If I only had a few pounds to lose, I don't think being motivated would bother me too much, but having to lose 30 or 40 more pounds tends to "weigh heavily" on my mind.

The other problem is the holidays are fast approaching.  Thanksgiving is next week and then I start baking all the Christmas goodies.  I am going to have to be good and not overeat.  There are going to be a lot of fabulous meals in the next few weeks so I have to be sure I don't take too much on my plate, just a spoonful of each thing, maybe even less.  I need to be sure to concentrate on eating slowly, savor each bite, enjoy it and stop when I am full.  Now if I were to count calories, I would have to be sure to keep tract of my intake.

I can have dessert if I behave myself.  Not too much, but at least a little.  You and I can do this, let's keep at it and stay motivated.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Allergies and Weight Loss!

There are many of us who suffer from allergies.  However, I have heard that when we maintain a healthy eating plan and lose weight that many if not all of our allergies disappear.  Now that would really  be nice.

Stick with it!  Don't lose heart!  Keep trying!  It may take a while, but weight loss will happen!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Be In Control!

Be in control of the food you eat, don't let the food control you. If there is some food you see that you  want to eat just because it tastes good, STOP! Don't give in to it.  Put the food away, get it out of your sight, walk into another room, do whatever it takes to keep from eating it.

I have had times when I was drawn to food just because it was there and just because I knew it would taste good.  I felt like it would make me feel better, but actually it doesn't always do that.  Most of the time what happens is that I would overeat and then feel bad and feel that I was a failure.  Take control of your cravings and your body. 

I have said before that we are to listen to our bodies and pay attention to cravings.  Learn what is a true craving and what is not.  Eat what you crave but just enough to satisfy, don't go overboard with it.  My husband at times will eat food that is left because he doesn't want to waste it.  If it is enough to save, put it in the freezer or refrigerator.  If it isn't enough to save, it is better in the garbage or in the compost pile than in our stomachs making us fat.

We need to be in control of what we eat.  We can accomplish this a little at a time.  Other people do it and so can we.  Hang in there, I know another pound is being lost for you and for me.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Fun of Weight Loss!

Just think when all the weight is lost how much fun it will be buying new clothes that look really good on us and are cheaper than the larger clothes.  Imagine what it will be like going to the smaller sizes and being able to wear prettier clothes.  The large sizes have some beautiful outfits, but smaller clothes are usually prettier.

We won't have to look around to find a chair that we can fit into.  We will be able to sit anywhere comfortably.  That in itself is something to look forward to.

Think also about how good it feels knowing we have been successful and have reached our goal.  If you still have a way to go in weight loss, remember something better is down the road, keep going until you get there now is not the time to give up.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Calculating Weight Loss

I don't like to count calories in order to lose weight, but some people do. Just in case you want to know how many calories you can eat in a day in order to lose the amount of weight you want to in a given time frame visit the website below:

NOTE: If you do visit this website, please know that after you get your results they will want you to continue further and try to entice you into buying their plan so beware. You can get your results without going any further. I like this site the best because you don't have to put in your name or your email just your age, sex, weight, height, the amount you want to lose and how many days to lose it. They also give you the amount of calories you eat to maintain your weight.

If you like counting calories and keeping track, then that is the way you should lose weight. Knowing exactly how many calories to eat in a day in order to lose your weight will help tremendously. Remember to make it fun, we probably enjoyed gaining weight so we must enjoy losing it too. Focus on how great it will be when the weight is lost.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Healthy Weight Loss!

Whenever embarking on a diet of any kind, the goal is to eat meals that contribute to health and well-being.  That should always be our goal, but we do get side-tracked from time to time.  Below is a copy of the food pyramid, giving us a guideline for healthful eating.

This is an extremely healthful way of eating.  As for serving sizes, check the packages and see how much each serving should be.  For dieting, it may be necessary to cut back to smaller portions than is called for on the package.  Some diets state that if we continue eating a healthy diet, weight loss will happen naturally!!! Find out what is right for you and your body.

I do not drink 8 servings of water a day, you do what you feel is right for you, but I personally hold it to 8 servings of liquid daily whether, tea, coffee, a soda or water.  I do try to drink as much water as possible, but I don't want to spend the day in the bathroom either. I do keep a glass of water by the bed to drink at night just in case I need it.

Keep at it, weight loss may come slowly, but it will come if we do not give up.  Have confidence in yourself and keep trying.  Weight loss will happen.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Potassium And Weight Loss

When dieting I have to be careful that my potassium level doesn't get too low.  I have trouble in that area plus a friend at work had the same problem.  She was dieting with one of the national dieting systems and started feeling really bad.   In fact she had to take off work for a day or two.  She talked with her consultant and they found she was low in potassium, so they gave her some supplements and helped her to get back on track.  Just know that it is a problem with some people and when our potassium levels get too low it can cause serious problems with our health. 

When I get to feeling tired and lethargic, I eat an orange, apple, or banana or some other food that is high in potassium and it helps.

Below is a list of foods that are high in potassium:

Bell pepper
Crimini mushrooms
Brussels sprouts

or a list of potassium rich foods and their potassium content

Potassium Rich Foods
Potassium Content
Raw, baby carrots
1 medium
24 mg
Raw Lettuce
1 leaf
19 mg
Raw Onions
1 slice
20 mg
Fresh Strawberries
1 strawberry
18 mg
Raw Garlic
1 clove
12 mg
1 tablespoon
11 mg
Raw Radishes
1 radish
10 mg
Raw Peppers
1 ring
18 mg
White Bread
1 slice
17 mg
1 papaya
781 mg
Lima Beans
1 cup
955 mg
1 medium
893 mg
Jerusalem Artichokes
1 cup
644 mg
1 banana
422 mg
Oat Bran
1 cup
532 mg
1 cup
528 mg
1 large
442 mg
1 cup
427 mg
1 pear
333 mg
1 mango
323 mg

You can read all about potassium on or follow this link:

Some people take a vitamin supplement when losing weight.  This is the reason it is best to consult a doctor, usually one's family physician when dieting or cutting back on food intake.  I keep a check on how I feel.  Weight loss is possible, it can be done and done successfully.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Chocolate And Weight Loss!

One big problem I have with weight loss and/or dieting is the fact that many diets exclude chocolate and sweets except on certain days. I love sweets and if I deprive myself of them, when I do get something sweet, I tend to go overboard and cannot stop. That is one main reason I have adopted my own way of eating to lose weight.

In my eating plan, I still enjoy chocolate, cookies, ice cream and cake. If I feel that I just have to have something sweet what I do is get a small piece of candy--a fun-size Snicker bar or a cookie or a small piece of cake--whatever sweet I am hungry for at the time; I sit in my easy chair and savor the flavor of what I am eating. I don't eat it fast, I take very small bites and really enjoy it--that way I know that I have had something sweet and don't feel deprived. One trick that I have added is that when I am finished, I drink some water. The water takes the sweet taste out of my mouth. If I don't drink the water, I will keep tasting the sweet and just want more.

Another thing that helps when I am hungry for sweets is that if I eat a piece of fruit in place of the sweet and wait awhile before getting something sweet letting my body know I have had the fruit that tends to help too--not always, but many times it does.

I am losing weight slowly, but I am finally doing it. I now know that I can accomplish my goal and I know that you can too. If I know that I can have sweets, I don't crave them nearly as much as if I cut them out altogether or only allow them on certain days. Plan ahead for weight loss, you can do it. Keep trying! Don't give up until you succeed in reaching your goal!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Weakened By Weight Loss!

A few years ago, one of the men in our office challenged me to a weight loss contest.  At that time, I didn't know that men tend to lose weight faster than women, so I accepted his challenge.  He started on a very strict diet, small breakfast, soup for lunch and a light evening meal. 

I told him to be careful because if we go on too strenuous a diet, our bodies get into a weakened condition and we could get really sick.  He didn't listen.  Sure enough, he got sick and the challenge was off.  He was really sick for 2 weeks and had to take off work.  He later told me he had never been so sick in his life.

I don't know if that would happen to everyone, but it did happen to him and it has happened to me.  Be sensible about weight loss and cutting back on eating.  I try not to be too drastic with cutting back on food intake and also the type of foods I eat.  It is best to eat a healthy amount and lose weight slowly.  It pays in the long run.  It took a short while to gain the weight, but it takes a lot longer to take it off.

Remember, it can be done, weight loss is possible, be sensible about it and eat healthy. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Planning Ahead For Weight Loss

One of the best ways to help with weight loss is to have meals or at least partial meals ready ahead of time so when I am hungry I don't have to wait too long to eat. Having to wait can cause nibbling and that causes me to eat too much.

A little planning ahead can alleviate this problem for me. Whenever I bake a chicken, cook a roast or broil a chicken breast, etc., I cook more than I need for the one meal.  That way I have the meat ready to heat up and just add a vegetable, some fruit and a salad then I am ready to eat quickly.  Buying prepackaged salad greens or fruit that is already cut up helps also. This may be more expensive for some, but when needing to lose weight, every little bit helps to reach the goal.

Anything that I can do to help with my weight loss is a good thing. I can lose more weight, I know I can and I know each of you can too!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Successful Weight Loss!

A few years ago, a friend of mine at work needed to lose about 30 pounds.  She investigated all sorts of diets and came up with a plan.  She would eat cereal for breakfast with a piece of fruit.  Then for lunch she would bring chicken, steak, fish or tuna fish with a salad and some sugar-free Jell-o with Lite Cool Whip and eat sparingly at the evening meal. 

The first problem she encountered was eating with the rest of us in the break room.  We all had foods she was hungry for but couldn't eat on her diet.  So she went to the boss and asked if she could take her lunch hour from 11:30 to 12:30 so that she could eat and be finished before the rest of us came in with our tempting foods.  It was approved and that is what she did.  At 12:00 she would go back to her desk or go shopping until time to go back to work.  This worked out well for her.

I am not sure how much meat she ate, but I do know she would eat 1/4 of a chicken, usually the thigh and leg. She never ate any white meat of the chicken, I guess she didn't like it. She probably ate about 3 or 4 ounces of steak or fish. 

After about 3-1/2 months, she had lost her 30 pounds and was feeling good about herself and her accomplishment. 

I am not recommending this diet to anyone; this is simply what worked for her.  Losing weight is possible, it is revitalizing and refreshing when we have accomplished our weight-loss goals. 

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Hunger and Weight Loss!

It is best that I do not to allow myself to get hungry. If I do get hungry, I try to eat a piece of fruit either a banana or an orange usually does the trick.

When I have just eaten a sufficient amount of food at a meal and I feel that I am still hungry, I drink a glass of water. This also helps to stop the hunger. If that doesn't do it, I eat some salad or something that doesn't have too many calories.

Remember, it takes at least 15 minutes for our brains to find out that we have eaten. I may have gotten off track and eaten too fast. I always try to eat slowly and drink some water, tea or coffee during the meal to help with hunger.

Keep at it, don't give up, weight loss is possible, it takes time, but it can be done. Be happy in weight loss!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A New Look After Weight Loss!

Before a person begins to lose weight, they need to prepare themselves for the "new look" they will have once the weight is lost.  Some people who don't have all that much to lose will not look all that different, but those of us who have 50 to 100 or more pounds to lose will have a significantly different look.

One example of this is Drew Carey on "The Price Is Right."  Drew lost 70 lbs. recently and looks like a different person.  He says he feels better, no more diabetes, and no more medication.

Some of my friends may be able to handle the new look in my weight loss and some may not.  It is where I and my family are the happiest.

Remember, weight loss is possible, I feel better, I am more energetic and I am told I am looking good.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Do Not Get Discouraged Over Weight Loss!

It is easy to get discouraged when I am not losing pounds and inches like I want to or like I think I should. It is best not to allow this because if I allow myself to get discouraged, I am liable to quit trying.  For me, losing weight slowly is the best way, but the pounds don't melt away very fast.  I just keep reminding myself to be patient, it will happen.

I keep trying by encouraging myself.  I repeat over and over to myself that I can do it, I will lose weight, I am not a failure, I believe I can lose weight, etc.

Keep at it, it takes time, but it can be done.  Believe it.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Mastering Weight Loss!

Years ago when my husband needed to go on a weight loss diet he made the statement that he needed to "talk to himself" in order to get in the "diet mode." I asked him what he said but he never would tell me.

Over the years in reading books about weight loss and checking out various diets, I have come across what I think he was referring to. What I do is give myself and my body commands that will help me to master weight loss and overcome bad eating habits.  This is what I started doing:

First I pick a time when I am sure I will not be interrupted.  I sit in my easy chair, relax and start to talk to myself.  In this procedure over time, I begin to gain confidence in the fact that I can lose weight and this is what I say:

"I can lose weight."
"I will not accept defeat."
"I will not let food rule over me, I am master of the food I eat."
"I will not give in to overeating."
"I am in charge of my eating habits."
"I will eat until I am pleasantly full and then I will stop no matter what is left on my plate or the table."
"I will not allow myself to be tempted to overeat."
"I will be satisfied with the food I have eaten and I will be happy."
"I will not be tempted by food when it is not time to eat."
"I am able to lose weight slowly."
"I do not have to have sweets at every meal or between meals."

This is just a sample of what I say to myself.  I keep repeating the fact that I can lose weight and that I will not accept defeat.  I had to do this several times a day to begin with, but as time passed by my confidence began to grow and I have been able to lose weight. 

I do not try to lose more than 1 or 2 pounds a week if that much.  I don't want to lose too fast because it is not good for my body.  Usually, I try not to tell anyone I am on a weight loss diet.  Any time I do, people begin to notice what I eat and make comments, sometimes they are good, but not always.  I lose a few pounds first and then when people began to notice and ask what I am doing, I might tell them what I am doing or I might not. 

Some people need a companion to help them and keep them accountable, but I do better when I lose weight on my own without people watching every bite of food I put in my mouth.

Whatever way a person chooses to lose weight, just know that it can be done and it will happen if we keep at it and gain confidence in ourselves that weight loss is possible.  There may be times when I don't lose weight, I get busy and don't encourage myself, but I don't let it discourage me, I just start again and the weight begins to comes off again.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Exercise And Weight Loss!

Many people feel they have to do strenuous exercise in order to lose weight. I have not been a person to do much exercise. I do walk, I also have a tape that I walk with in my den when it is raining outside, but other than that, I don't do much exercise.

I do know that exercise is good for me.  It helps me to be more energetic and helps to keep me mobile.  Exercise also helps people with arthritis.

Many people enjoy yogi, aerobics, and water aerobics.  All of these are good, but I have not had to depend on them to lose weight.

As far as exercise is concerned whatever a person feels comfortable with, that is what they should do.  Losing weight is not easy, it takes work and dedication, but it can be done--it is possible, it can happen, believe it!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

How I Lose Weight!

Losing weight has not been easy for me in the past, but I feel that I have finally found the answer for me and my body. As mentioned before, I sit at the table to eat most of the time. There are times when I am alone that I relax in my easy chair, but not often, I usually sit at the table.

I relax and enjoy the food I am eating. If I crave something in particular, that is what I try to eat if it is at all possible. I know that if I am craving a certain food and don't eat it, I will not be satisfied until I do--it doesn't matter if it is something sweet, a nice steak or a salad. I try to eat slowly and pay attention to the fact that I am eating. I stop when I am pleasantly full. For instance, if we go out to eat, I usually eat only half of the meal we are served, I bring the rest home for another time. If we order a hamburger, I will eat about 3/4 of it and a small bag of chips or part of a large bag of french fries, my husband usually consumes the rest of it. It's nice to have someone with which to share.

I feel that the reason I crave a certain food is that there is some vitamin or mineral in that particular food that my body needs. Plus whenever I crave some specific food, unless it is a salad, I don't eat and eat and eat. I eat until I am full and then stop. If there is some left over, I put it in a container and put it into the refrigerator or freezer for later.

I don't work anymore, so it is easy to eat at convenient times. When I get up in the mornings, I drink two cups of coffee first. Then later around 9 o'clock or so I eat a good breakfast that will last me awhile. Then I eat again later in the day, usually around 5 o'clock. I try not to eat any more after that. I am not diabetic so I can go longer without eating. I eat a sufficient amount, usually normal servings and try not to take seconds unless it is salad, fruits or vegetables.

If I am hungry at bedtime, I will either drink a glass of fat free milk or eat 2 or 3 saltine crackers with a slice of American cheese or put some peanut butter on them.

One thing that has helped me tremendously is the fact that I have found something that I am extremely interested in. Most of the time I am so absorbed in it, that I don't even think about eating. This has worked really well for me.

I am not in a hurry to lose weight, I am losing slowly and it is working very well.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Make Weight Loss Fun!

Needing to lose weight is not all that great but I don't like being overweight either.  Some of the foods that are fewer in calories or foods that are good for me are not all that tasty--like the asparagus in my last post.  But there is always something that can be done to try to make things at least a little better. 

For one thing, I don't necessarily care for cottage cheese or sour cream or buttermilk.  I will say that I do like cottage cheese with canned peaches  Now that is a yummy dish!  So there is something I have been able to do about that particular food that I dislike. 

Another idea could be that when I feel the need to eat food I don't like--decorate it like the piece of bread in the picture with cottage cheese on it.  It still may not taste good, but it is kinda fun.

Let's put a smile on our faces and think of how much better we will feel in just a short while when the scales starts going down, down, down!!!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Asparagus Tastes Good!

Years ago before my husband and I married, he had a state-wide business meeting he had to attend. There were several men that were scheduled to go from his company and they needed to go to Dallas, Texas for it. In order to get there in time for the meeting, they had to leave early in the morning. My husband didn't have time to eat and he thought they would stop on the way and he could grab a snack, but that did not happen.  In addition to that they did not break for lunch at noon. By the time he got to eat, it was about 1:00 or 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon and he was starving. He was ready for a great meal.

I am not sure who arranged for this meal, but in my opinion, it was not designed for men or by men. They had a chicken wing with a little gravy over rice and asparagus. There was probably a salad and maybe fruit, he doesn't remember because his two least favorite things are chicken wings and asparagus.

The good news of this story is that he was so hungry, he ate it all and it tasted good. So when we are really hungry vegetables can and do taste good.

Keep trying, don't give up, you can lose weight--there is a diet plan or way of eating that WILL work for you.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Make Mealtime An Event!

I have found over the years, that it is best to sit at the table to eat.  I do not stand up to eat nor do I sit in front of the TV. I don't really feel that I have eaten if I eat that way.  I sit down, enjoy the food I am eating.  I try to make mealtime an event.

My life can be very busy and at times meals have to be eaten on the run; but as much as possible I try to make it a habit to relax around the table. I pause before I start to eat, taste the food with my eyes first and then I try to eat slowly. I savor each bite and when I have finished, I realize I have enjoyed a satisfying meal.  I am happier for it and not tempted as much to snack later.

My children used to say, "Diet food isn't all that appetizing."  Well I have a funny story about asparagus in my next post.  I'll be back soon...

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Encouraging Weight Loss!

I have been on a diet of some sort all of my life and have learned quite a lot about what I can do and what I cannot do in order to lose weight.  I don't know if my experiences will be helpful not, but I would like to share what I have done to see if there is some encouragement I can give  since I have had such a struggle with my weight and have needed help along the way myself. 

The main thing I hear over and over is that, "it can be done," and "anyone can lose weight."  I personally feel that it can be done, as a matter of fact I know it can be done and I feel that others can lose weight too.

Am I at my ideal weight?  No, but I am closer now than I have been in 10 years and I am excited!  Getting excited about dieting is one way to get it done!  Believe it nor not, it can be fun!  I like to make it fun!